Late Lunch/Early Dinner: Cheese Burger!
I had one for dinner a few nights ago but I had to defrost a pattie I'd
previously frozen. I ran to the grocery store a while ago and got some
freshly ground chuck from the butcher counter. It's about to pour down rain
so I won't be firing up the grill; I wouldn't do that for just a burger or
two anyway (waste of good lump). I can either pan-fry or use the broiler
pan and cook it under the broiler element in my electric oven.
*This* is where I really miss the gas stove I had an old apartment with the
broiler element under the oven. It was an old gas stove and IIRC had a
built in (but removable for cleaning) grated broiler top with a drip pan
underneath. One crank of the knob (hob!) and voila, I was broiling.
Now the big question is, what type of cheese do I want? The last one I made
I using slices of English Cheddar. Quite tasty. This time I think I'll
slice some of the Jarlsberg. I may saute some mushrooms. And a few slices
of bacon? Hmmm, a bacon mushroom Jarlsberg burger sounds good about now.
But I haven't eaten all day so the temptation to go overboard is there!
Good thing I went shopping before I got hungry!
I'll cook two burgers, one unadorned, to be reheated for lunch tomorrow.
(Note: I cook my burgers fairly rare, not raw but very red in the center,
so reheating isn't an issue; it won't be overcooked.)