Store Brand Mayo
On May 15, 2:26 pm, merryb > wrote:
> On May 15, 2:19 pm, Goomba38 > wrote:
> > merryb wrote:
> > > This past weekend my in-laws were visiting- they had just come back
> > > from an Alaskan cruise and had a few days before their flight back to
> > > Phoenix. We decided to BBQ some burgers, and were out of mayo. My
> > > husband offered to run to the grocery store, and came back with the
> > > store brand mayo. Ugh! I asked him why, and he claims there is no
> > > difference. We exchanged opinions on the matter, and I told him there
> > > is no way it will be used by me! Am I nuts? I think there is a huge
> > > difference- I only buy Best Foods or maybe Nalley's. Do any of you use
> > > the store brand? I know mine is going to be returned!
> > While there may be a difference (and I do love Helmanns) I would
> > certainly have used it anyway. Why cut my nose off to spite my face? You
> > were without mayo when you wanted it if you weren't going to eat what he
> > brought home.
> Fortunately there was a little left in the old one, so it didn't need
> to be opened. I have no idea what your last sentence means, tho.
Out here in the Wild, Wild West, Hellman's is called Best Foods
Mayonaise and I will have nothing else, not even homemade!
Miracle Whip is the stuff that demons make to slather all over the
bodies of their screaming, begging victims!
That's just my two cents. I've Been gone to a great website with all
moderated groups for a while. Far more enjoyable than usenet. But I'm
glad to see that the Food Group hasn't been destroyed!