Store Brand Mayo
On 15 May 2007 10:33:57 -0700, merryb > magnanimously
>This past weekend my in-laws were visiting- they had just come back
>from an Alaskan cruise and had a few days before their flight back to
>Phoenix. We decided to BBQ some burgers, and were out of mayo. My
>husband offered to run to the grocery store, and came back with the
>store brand mayo. Ugh! I asked him why, and he claims there is no
>difference. We exchanged opinions on the matter, and I told him there
>is no way it will be used by me! Am I nuts? I think there is a huge
>difference- I only buy Best Foods or maybe Nalley's. Do any of you use
>the store brand? I know mine is going to be returned!
Would I use a store brand of mayonnaise in New Zealand? God no!
Would I use *any* mayonnaise made in New Zealand? Same answer.
One of the great finds back in the days of import restrictions was
small delicatessens around Auckland that carried Best Foods (or
Hellman's) and Heinz Egg mayonnaise. Best Foods was around seven
dollars for a small bottle. But well worth the price, considering the
Years later, we can buy Best Foods mayonnaise (and occasionally
Hellman's) at any supermarket and it's only slightly more expensive
than the local brands. You can also find and Heinz Egg Mayonnaise at
most supermarkets now.
But have the local manufacturers like ETA learned anything from this?
Not on your life. They not only make some foul tasting stuff that only
diehards still use (which is why I know how bad it still is) and
they've made it "low fat" so it's made with chemical substitutes for
the real ingredients so that it even looks foul.
Actually, there is at least one boutique NZ manufacturer that's making
a pretty decent "real" mayonnaise that we've tried, and that's Kato.
But it's more expensive than Best Foods and, IMO, not as good.
una cerveza mas por favor ...
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Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <>
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