Mother's Day Brawl Over Crying Baby
Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan wrote:
> When in Germany I would tip per German customs. When in the US tip as an
> American would. When traveling outside the US I have always researched the
> tipping norms in the location I will be traveling. Besides restaurants
> this includes tipping for cab/car fare, hotel maids etc.
Well, the thing is that is what you are going to pay anyway, so why do we
have to play these silly marketing games that disguise the actual cost. If
the hamburger on the menu is $8 you buy it thinking that it is going to
cost you $8, but when you get the bill you see that now there is tax that
has been added to the bill, and you are expected to leave a tip, and it is
likely to be rounded off at $10.50, so why not just list the price at
$10.50 and everyone knows that if they order a hamburger it will cost them
$10.50 and there won't be any surprises.
> I don't disagree with the gratuity being added to a check total. My
> questions would be how would it be done without escalating menu prices to
> unaffordable prices?
If you don't mind it being added to the check, then why should it be a
problem having it added to the menu price along with a note that service
and tax are included? What you see is what you pay. Having eaten in a
number of European countries where tipping was not expected, it was a
pleasant surprise to see a price on the menu and to get the bill and see
was all that I had to pay.