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Eric Jorgensen Eric Jorgensen is offline
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Posts: 18
Default Baking with Splenda

On Tue, 08 May 2007 06:22:19 GMT
Alton R. Martin > wrote:
> Being a hypogloceimic I must watch my sugar intake. So I use Splenda
> instead of sugar except in special instances. I have made some peanut
> brittle using splenda and it was sooooooooooo good. Have have used
> splenda when making bread but I go half sugar half splenda. The sugar
> being used to make yeast work.

A popular misconception.

Yeast does eat sugar. It also eats complex carbohydrates. The yeast
culture as a whole is healthier eating starch than it is eating simple
sugars. It doesn't breed as fast, but doesn't die as fast either.

Lots of good breads are made without sugar. A baguette in france
contains only flour, water, yeast, and salt by law.

You might not be able to get away with speed proofing, but if you
care about the quality of your bread you shouldn't be speed proofing
anyway. Form the loaves and stick 'em in the refrigerator for 8 to 12
hours. Tastes better that way.