Late Lunch/Early Dinner: Cheese Burger!
merryb wrote:
> On May 15, 12:26 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> I had one for dinner a few nights ago but I had to defrost a pattie
>> I'd previously frozen. I ran to the grocery store a while ago and
>> got some freshly ground chuck from the butcher counter. It's about
>> to pour down rain so I won't be firing up the grill; I wouldn't do
>> that for just a burger or two anyway (waste of good lump). I can
>> either pan-fry or use the broiler pan and cook it under the broiler
>> element in my electric oven.
>> Jill
> Wow, this is exciting!
Yep, about as exciting as you wetting your pants over store brand mayo!