The word is refrigerate
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tert in seattle
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,868
The word is refrigerate
ost writes:
>On Thu, 17 May 2007 16:27:56 +0000 (UTC), tert in seattle wrote:
ost writes:
>>>So why is it called a "RE-frigerator", and not just "frigerator"?
>>>Frigerator would mean "makes cold" (in the modern sense of the
>>>language), so why the "re" in front of it?
>> making something cold is different from keeping something cold
>But most (all?) things that go into the frigerator were not cold
>to begin with, so it's not returning to a cold state.
If all you needed was to make things cold but not keep them
cold you could have a very small refrigerator.
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tert in seattle
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