Mashed potato question...
On May 17, 4:13 pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> > wrote:
> >For all of the above, coconut milk is probably better, as long as the
> >coconut flavor is not objectionable. Coconut milk makes a very nice
> >creme anglaise, is fabulous in rice pudding, and makes wonderful ice
> >cream and/or gelato. If I were vegan, I would use a whole lot of
> >coconut milk and coconut cream.
> The main downside to coconut milk is the gigantic quantity
> of fat calories it contains. Even the reduced fat version
> is really heavy.
It is for that reason I usually think of coconut milk as a substitute
for cream, rather than for milk. If subbing for milk, I will often
dilute it with water. For enriching sauces and/or soups, a little
goes a long way.
On the other hand, what is wrong with a gigantice quantity of fat
calories? Just eat less.
Mark Muller