Mashed potato question...
Dave Smith wrote:
> "Pete C." wrote:
> >
> > S
> > > I rarely use butter for anything. However, I will add goat
> > > butter to mashed potatoes if that's a possibility. More
> > > usually, either buttermilk or yogurt, and sometimes olive
> > > oil.
> > >
> > > I have not come up with a really good version of mashed potatoes
> > > that is dairy-free. I've tried soy milk and almond milk
> > > and it doesn't really work.
> > >
> > > Steve
> >
> > Is there anything that "soy milk" actually works for? I love tofu, but
> > "soy milk" *shudder!*...
> >
> You *love* tofu???? IMO it has no taste and no texture to like or dislike?
You probably haven't tried much of it or many different preparations of
if. There are a lot of varieties of tofu and many different ways to
prepare it that all result in very tasty dishes. There was an episode of
Iron Chef on FN that featured tofu and showed some interesting uses.