Right size : Prep Bowl size
"Drew Cutter" > wrote:
> What is a good size for prep bowls ? Depends on what your are
> preparing ? What size is good for multiple ingredients when you are preparing
> a meal ?
It's kind of funny what I'm using for prep bowls. I use them most often for
putting ingredients for stir fries or pizza toppings in them. They are a set of
eight Corelle soup bowls, about 6" across.
They are 25 years old, and I got them for free in a round about way. They were a
wedding gift my sister got in 1982. She asked me to temporarily store them and a
bunch of other boxes because she had a small apartment and I had a house. Fast
forward 13 years... she is divorced and remarried by then. She comes over my
house with husband #2, and I say: isn't it about time you opened your wedding
gifts from your first wedding? ;-) She ended up giving me much of those wedding
gifts I was storing, including those bowls.
It really doesn't matter what you use as a prep bowl. I like these because the
serve double duty as prep bowls and as soup bowls. I have various other bowl
sets of graduated sizes that are made of other materials: stainless (5 bowls),
melamine (4 bowls), and glass (11 bowls). I consider the smaller bowls in these
sets to be prep bowls. These sets are kitchen pieces, not serving pieces.
You might want to consider what kinds of things you make so you know what size
bowls would be useful and how many you might need. Of the bowls more
specifically intended for prep, some come with lids.
wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net