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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Late Lunch/Early Dinner: Cheese Burger!

Sheldon wrote:

> I wouldn't light my gas grill for just a couple-three burgers either... I
> pan fry burgers all the time... about thirty seconds prior to removing
> from heat tilt the pan a bit to drain any extra fat to the side. A
> broiler would work too but a pan is far easier clean-up and better for
> judging doneness than having to keep pulling the broiler pan... can also
> fry some onions/'shooms/bacon/etc. with the same pan at the same time. I
> can't really suggest a cheese, I don't care for cheese burgers. To me the
> freshness of the meat and the crustiness of the roll are what're
> important.... I like fresh bakery baked Portuguese rolls for burgers,
> another reason I prepare ovate burgers... and naturally I grind my own
> meat. You really need to invest in a meat grinder... regardless where you
> buy preground meat it's still not safe to cook with any degree of
> rareness. Just a couple weeks ago I ground a beef roast and formed a mess
> o' burgers to freeze... from start thru clean-up and packaging and into
> freezer only took me 45 minutes. The roast cost only $2.50/lb, and when I
> eat my burgers I know what/who is in it... I can safely eat those burgers
> as rare as I like, even raw if I like. Btw, for those who think they know
> their butcher, there is no such thing as fresh ground meat at any butcher
> shop, just not possible.... anyone who thinks they clean that grinder
> special for each customer is nutzo... in fact even if you choose say a
> steak to have ground and the butcher grinds it right in front of your
> peepers the the first one to two pounds that comes out of that commercial
> sized grinder will not be your steak... will probably be the last dregs of
> the trimming scraps from the last grind (and how many hours ago) and after
> you leave the butcher will push out your steak with more cheap trimmings
> and take your ground steak home his ownself.
> All yoose folks arguing grills and fuels and burgers but don't have your
> own grinder are actually mentally ill, yoose in dire need of professional
> help... and have no business in the kitchen because anyone who prepares
> mystery meat that is a positive indication that everything they cook is
> filthy. I know people who actually buy top of the line all stainless
> steel grills with every bell and whistle imaginable, they spend upwards of
> $3,500 for that snobby grill and then they use it to cook mystery meat...
> ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . . they definitely belong in a
> sanitarium for the mentally incompetant (more dollars than brain cells
> disease). Folks attempting to discuss ground meat intelligently who don't
> grind their own is tantamont to folks discussing automobiles who don't
> drive.

I quoted that in its entirety so that others could see if they could spot
the exact point where Sheldon's meds started wearing off. My own guess is
where he writes "naturally I grind my own meat."

Where would the rest of you say that Sheldon should have stopped typing and
taken his meds?

Next question would be, "How much longer would he have to write before he
makes a disparaging remark about Italians?"
