Late Lunch/Early Dinner: Cheese Burger!
Sheldon wrote:
> "jmcquown" wrote:
>> I had one for dinner a few nights ago but I had to defrost a pattie
>> I'd previously frozen. I ran to the grocery store a while ago and
>> got some freshly ground chuck from the butcher counter. It's about
>> to pour down rain so I won't be firing up the grill; I wouldn't do
>> that for just a burger or two anyway (waste of good lump). I can
>> either pan-fry or use the broiler pan and cook it under the broiler
>> element in my electric oven.
> I wouldn't light my gas grill for just a couple-three burgers
> either... I pan fry burgers all the time... about thirty seconds prior
> to removing from heat tilt the pan a bit to drain any extra fat to the
> side. A broiler would work too but a pan is far easier clean-up and
> better for judging doneness than having to keep pulling the broiler
> pan... can also fry some onions/'shooms/bacon/etc. with the same pan
> at the same time.
> All yoose folks arguing grills and fuels and burgers but don't have
> your own grinder are actually mentally ill
No, I'm storage space challenged. I don't have room for another kitchen
"appliance", and I don't have all that many to begin with. I don't have a
Kitchenaid mixer. I don't have a roaster-rotisserie. I don't have a
toaster oven/broiler. I don't even have a coffee maker on my kitchen
counter anymore. I have a couple of crock-pots that are stored under the
lowest pantry shelf along with my seldom used food processor but there's no
more room for anything else under there. I rue the day I bought a
quesadilla baker. It's a cute and handy gadget but totally unnecessary.
It's currently sitting on the floor of my 2nd bathroom until I figure out a
better place to put it.
I know you're gung-ho about your grinder and that's all well and good. But
I don't have a kitchen I could land a small plane in or the storage space to
go with it. At my supermarket when I want freshly ground meat I can select
the cut of beef and the butcher grinds it on the spot. I see no appreciable
difference other than someone else is doing the work for me and I don't have
to clean and store a grinder.