Right size : Prep Bowl size
On May 17, 8:55 pm, "wff_ng_7" > wrote:
> "Drew Cutter" > wrote:
> > What is a good size for prep bowls ? Depends on what your are
> > preparing ? What size is good for multiple ingredients when you are preparing
> > a meal ?
> You might want to consider what kinds of things you make so you know what size
> bowls would be useful and how many you might need. Of the bowls more
> specifically intended for prep, some come with lids.
> --
> wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net
I think wff is certainly right when she says to consider what you are
preparing that you would use them for; however, I did buy a set of
heavy stainless steel bowls which were a good buy at Costco and they
sat there for about a year before I found a use for them. I had been
using a set of ss thinner and not as wieldy that I had bought at Big
Lots for a song. I also use a set of melamine ones for soaking
veggies etc, because they are not so heavy to wash.
But the heavy ones, for some reason, I use almost exclusively now for
making ice cream. All four are used in the process. One to go over
the boiling pot to scald the milk, one for beating the eggs and sugar,
the biggest one to put the ice in, and the second largest to pour the
custard into to cool. Voila! I'm glad I have them. They are my
special ice cream bowls. Now, when I buy that ice cream compressor
machine (who knows when?), I'll have to find another use for these
heavy stainless steel bowls.
Try buying a set of the cheaper (Indian made, I think) and see how
they work for you. Then you can go from there.