Libertyware stock pots
On 18 May 2007 07:19:51 -0700, ranson > wrote:
>Does anyone have any experience with Libertyware brand pots? I noticed
>them recently, and they claim to have an 8mm aluminum clad bottom. I'm
>looking to get a stockpot. This sounds hard to beat, and they're
>priced for hotel use. That is to say, the pots are way cheaper than
>Sitram Profisserie or Paderno Grand Gourmet, around the price range of
>Vollrath Classic. Can anyone tell me about the quality and
>construction of this brand?
>On a similar note, does anyone know the thickness of the aluminum
>layer on the bottom of Vollrath Classic stock pots?
I think most people don't care -- the stock pot is about the least critical item
of cooking equipment there is. Heating time and heat distribution are not at all
very important when faced with long cooking times and large quantities. Volume
and diameter (relative to your burners) are about all that matter. So go ahead
and buy by price.
-- Larry