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wff_ng_7 wff_ng_7 is offline
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Posts: 743
Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

"JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:
> "wff_ng_7" > wrote:
>> Because subtly changing the package size is a deliberate attempt at deceiving
>> the customer. They are hoping no one notices. If they are so innocent, why
>> don't they just raise the price?

> Because they know EXACTLY what most people are willing to pay.

Are you saying that people are so fixated on a specific price for an item that
they won't buy it for any higher price? Hogwash. There is absolutely no
difference whether the size is reduced or the price is increased. The only
possible motivation for reducing package size in most of these cases is
intentional deception.

The ONLY exceptions are in scenarios where the price is essentially fixed, so
package size must be decreased. That is fairly rare, but does occur in items
like those sold in vending machines that only accept coins in fixed fashion. No
way is that an issue on either the ice cream or the mayo cases.

>> By the way, wages have lagged inflation for quite some time now, so deceptive
>> practices like downsizing products are important issues. Those toward the
>> upper end of the income scale have not been affected by these trends, so they
>> would tend to think the issue is irrelevant.

> Five years ago, it cost my company (and others) between $1.20 and $1.75 per
> mile to ship product via common carrier truckers. Please tell me what we are
> paying now.

Are you suggesting that you would be justified engaging in deceptive practices
because your costs go up? If you can't find an honest and straightforward method
for covering your costs, you deserve to go out of business.

wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net