Shocking food fact
"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
> Andy <q> :
>> TammyM said...
>>> Did you know there are 150 calories in just TWO Girl Scout Samosa
>>> Cookies?
>>> =:-o
>>> Jesus, Mary and JOSEPH, I could go through a handful of cookies in
>>> nothing flat! I'm gonna give these suckers to the office across the
>>> hall!
>>> TammyM, shocked, simply SHOCKED, I say
>> OH!!! Girl Scout Cookie time again!?!?
>> KEWL!!!
> It was GS cookie time here awhile back. So long ago they are all <GONE>.
> Wonder what happened to them all...
Well, lucky for me I discovered this evilness as I was breaking into the
LAST box and not the first :-)
TammyM, has had these damned boxes hanging around for MONTHS