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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

y wrote:
> This is one of my pet peeves. I look at cost per ounce; the point
> where I stop buying something remains the same. If I won't pay $6.00
> for 32 ounces of mayo, I'm not going to pay $5.63 for 30 ounces of
> mayo that the manufacturer calls try to pass off as a quart. Reducing
> the package size as opposed to raising the price =is= an attempt to
> decieve your customers however you try to twist it; it's a lie for
> profit and it's inexcusable. More importantly, this practice screws up
> all those "grandma" recipes that call for a package, carton, etc. of
> this or that; when the unit has been downsized by dishonest
> manufacturers, one has to buy two to get the same outcome and
> (probably) part of one goes to waste, which costs the consumer even
> more.
> For god's sake, I understand that gas has gone up. Keep the size the
> same and charge me a fair price that still keeps you in business. I'll
> still buy it if I need it. Don't try to trick me into paying more for
> less.

You are right. It is a marketing trick. I have seen the same thing in other
products lately. Shredded Wheat changed it's packaging. They used to lay
the packages of biscuits flat in the box and had 12, 18 and 24 size
boxes,with the larger boxes more economical than the smaller size. A few
months ago they changed to to a new size format, turning the packages of
biscuits on their side. The new size format of the 18 pack is the same size
as the old 24 box, but thinner, but it is the same price as the old 24

A also mentioned the new (here) 18 pack of soft drinks. When soft drinks
go on sale it is the 18 can cartons that go on sale. They are becoming more
and more common.

It is interesting to note that there are thresholds for the prices people
are willing to pay for some things. Marketing specialists put a lot of
effort into understanding those thresholds. When the price of something
rises above the threshold, consumers stop buying it. So they pack it in
smaller units and get the price under that threshold.