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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

"notbob" > wrote in message
. ..
> On 2007-05-21, JoeSpareBedroom > wrote:
>> Because they know EXACTLY what most people are willing to pay.

> The price "most people are willing to pay" for a gallon of gasoline
> or a box of cold breakfast cereal doesn't lend much credence to your
> argument.
> nb

Yes, it most certainly does. And, you cannot mention gasoline and food in
the same discussion. You MUST buy gasoline. But, you are not required to buy
cereal #1 because there are plenty of other things you can eat for
breakfast. If the price of cereal #1 is too high, you might buy cereal #2,
or wait for a sale or a coupon.