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Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

On Tue, 22 May 2007 13:35:51 GMT, "JoeSpareBedroom"
> wrote:

> wrote in message
.. .
>> On Mon, 21 May 2007 22:14:58 GMT, "JoeSpareBedroom"
>> > wrote:
>>>"Pete C." > wrote in message
>>>> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>>>>> "wff_ng_7" > wrote in message
>>>>> news:Gxl4i.4948$qp5.2303@trnddc03...
>>>>> > "Dimitri" > wrote:
>>>>> >> Subtle price change.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> The new quart jar is 30 ounces.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> 6.25% price increase.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Rat *******s
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> That's like the 11 ounce pound of coffee.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks for pointing that out. I would have never thought of looking
>>>>> > for
>>>>> > that. I just checked my recent mayo purchase (Safeway store brand)
>>>>> > and
>>>>> > it
>>>>> > is still 32 ounces.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > It's like the half gallon of ice cream in the new "convenience sized"
>>>>> > 1.75
>>>>> > quart package.
>>>>> I find it odd that so many people expect cost-of-living raises, but are
>>>>> annoyed when a package gets smaller.
>>>> I'm annoyed when what should be a standard package size changes as a way
>>>> to hide a price increase. Give my my f***'n 5# sugar, 1# coffee and 1qt
>>>> mayo. Adjust prices as needed, don't play asinine packaging games,
>>>> particularly when in most states the stores are required to display the
>>>> unit price anyway. You do look at the unit price don't you?
>>>> Pete C.
>>>Yes, but that doesn't really address the issue. No matter how
>>>what's-his-name ngg tries to twist reality, there *IS* a price level where
>>>you will stop buying a product. I doubt mayo is at that point yet, but
>>>*is* a point, in the minds of customers.

>> This is one of my pet peeves. I look at cost per ounce; the point
>> where I stop buying something remains the same. If I won't pay $6.00
>> for 32 ounces of mayo, I'm not going to pay $5.63 for 30 ounces of
>> mayo that the manufacturer tries to pass off as a quart. Reducing
>> the package size as opposed to raising the price =is= an attempt to
>> decieve your customers however you try to twist it; it's a lie for
>> profit and it's inexcusable. More importantly, this practice screws up
>> all those "grandma" recipes that call for a package, carton, etc. of
>> this or that; when the unit has been downsized by dishonest
>> manufacturers, one has to buy two to get the same outcome and
>> (probably) part of one goes to waste, which costs the consumer even
>> more.
>> For god's sake, I understand that gas has gone up. Keep the size the
>> same and charge me a fair price that still keeps you in business. I'll
>> still buy it if I need it. Don't try to trick me into paying more for
>> less.
>> Regards,
>> Tracy R.

>I can understand your point, especially since whatever job you do, you do
>for free. Right?
>Hmmm? Right?

What the hell has that got to do with anything? Did you understand the
part about "a fair price that still keeps you in business"? No one is
saying you can't make a profit, just stop trying to do so through
fraud. What's so hard to understand about that?

Tracy R.