Making that hot sauce
Scott wrote:
> In article >,
> George Shirley > wrote:
>>Ran the fermented chiles through the blender and then the food mill
>>today. Three gallons of red and one gallon of yellow. I ended up with 96
>>ounces of red pulp and juice and 64 ounces of the yellow.
>>Sitting in their respective non-reactive pots and mixed with 40% white
>>vinegar. Will get stirred four times a day for the next week or two to
>>ensure the mix "melds" properly and will then bottle it. A taste of each
>>says this will be a good batch of hot sauce, not so hot you can't enjoy
>>it and mild enough you can taste the chiles.
> Do you think there's a point to saucemaking for those who don't grow
> their own peppers--i.e., those with access only to what's available in a
> supermarket?
If you end up with a superior product and one that you enjoy why not!
I'm just one of the lucky ones who lives in a climate where chiles
thrive. My chiles produced up until past mid January and the final frost
hit them. If I couldn't grow them I would certainly entertain the idea
of buying the chiles I need to make the sauce. Go for it.