Thread: Picky eaters...
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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Picky eaters...

Julia Altshuler wrote:
> On the other hand, the exceptions are hard to miss. My boyfriend and
> his sister were reared in the same household by the same parents in the
> same city with the same access to foods. That is, it was their mother's
> home cooking from start to finish. They're 3 years apart. He loves to
> try ethnic restaurants and will often order the weirdest thing on the
> menu just to try it. His sister is even pickier than her parents,
> refusing to eat as an adult many of the foods that would have been
> normal to her as a child, foods her parents would have encouraged her to
> try.
> That's one example. I can think of countless more.

My wife and I are both pretty adventurous when it comes to eating food and
trying to recipes. My oldest brother his wife and one of his sons are
pretty adventurous, but the other son is a very picky eater, to the point
where it is a PITA to have him for a meal because he is so limited,
compounded by his childish reaction to not having what he likes. Another
brother and his whole family are generally easy going when it comes to
food, though I could not get them to try calamari or smoked eel. MY
youngest brother is the pickiest, but still not a major problem. So in one
family we run the gamut, from those who will try just about anything to
those whose weekly food consumption could be limited to 5 different items.