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wff_ng_7 wff_ng_7 is offline
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Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

> wrote:
> I'd have to know a lot more than you have told me to take a guess at
> that; it would vary from business to business depending on various
> overhead factors. And, again, it's irrelevant. I said a fair price; I
> meant just that. By all means, charge what you must to make the profit
> you need. Just don't lie to me to do it. Is that so hard to
> understand? Are you seriously trying to argue that it's ok to try and
> deceive consumers in order to remain profitable? If so, I'd like to
> know exactly where =you= work; clearly, it's a business we should all
> know about so we can avoid it.

Don't waste your breath. The ******* clearly has different ethics than most
people and you're not going to change him. He spewed this exact same garbage
about 2-1/2 years ago. Some things never change.

I decided to look up the prior thread I remembered.Take a look at just this one
comparison. Either he is plagarizing someone else's post, or he is the same
person as 2-1/2 years ago, but under a different account:

From a post of his in this current thread:
From: "JoeSpareBedroom" >
Subject: Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 18:59:23 GMT
Five years ago, it cost my company (and others) between $1.20 and $1.75 per
mile to ship product via common carrier truckers. Please tell me what we are
paying now.

From 2-1/2 years ago:
From: "Doug Kanter" >
Subject: Breyer's ice cream
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:34:27 GMT
Oh....I forgot to mention the following fact. Two years ago, we (at my
company) were able to use $1.10 - $1.20 per mile when calculating freight
rates for grocery deliveries. Due to the cost of fuel, we now have to use
$1.95 - $2.20, depending on the route and whether the trucker can get a
backhaul for the trip home.

So, let's say I want to ship a truckload of Swanson dinners from Jackson TN
to Rochester NY. It's 910 miles. At 2.20 per mile, that's about $2000.00 for
freight. Two years ago, it would've been $1090.00.

Any questions?

If you follow these rest of both threads, you will see how similar
"JoeSpareBedroom" is to "Doug Kanter". I believe they are one and the same. No
wonder I was having feelings of deja vu. I've heard his crap before. The
arguments and the writing style are pretty much identical.

I too would like to know where he works so I can avoid that business myself!

wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net