Thread: Picky eaters...
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Skyhooks Skyhooks is offline
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Default Picky eaters...

Julia Altshuler wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> So in one
> > family we run the gamut, from those who will try just about anything to
> > those whose weekly food consumption could be limited to 5 different items.

> I've wondered if there could be something physical or genetic involved.
> I was a picky kid. I didn't want to be a picky kid. I suffered a
> fair amount of anxiety over watching socially adept classmates enjoy
> foods that the thought of eating made me gag. My parents did everything
> short of child abuse to make me try ordinary foods (cheese, vegetables).
> I wanted to please them and was a good kid in most other
> ways, but I couldn't bring myself to put foods in my mouth, chew and
> swallow them.
> I can think of ways my parents should have handled the power struggle
> with me differently, but I can't think of why I was such a picky kid
> when my brother wasn't. I started growing out of the pickiness when I
> was in my late teens.
> My niece is 14 now and very like I was at that age as regards food. Her
> brother is like my brother in that he's open to eating a larger number
> of foods. It would sort of make sense if I were a major influence in my
> niece's life, but I haven't been. I'm the sort of relative who visits
> and brings presents, but I haven't been feeding the kids. There's no
> reason for her to know that I was picky.
> Which makes me wonder if we both inherited the picky gene.
> --Lia

There's definitely some truth to this, and picky eaters (I'm one!!!) are
somewhat scientifically vindicated (finally!!!!!!). Just do an internet
search - use search engine of choice - for the terms "super tasters" and
see what comes up. Some folks really are physically very sensative to
particular components of some foods. Of course this 'tack' does not
take into consideration any 'emotional' barriers to eating some foods.
