Thread: Picky eaters...
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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Picky eaters...

Skyhooks wrote:

> There's definitely some truth to this, and picky eaters (I'm one!!!) are
> somewhat scientifically vindicated (finally!!!!!!). Just do an internet
> search - use search engine of choice - for the terms "super tasters" and
> see what comes up. Some folks really are physically very sensative to
> particular components of some foods. Of course this 'tack' does not
> take into consideration any 'emotional' barriers to eating some foods.

That is an interesting theory, but there are lots of theories around and
not all of them are valid. I would be more inclined to believe it if picky
eaters would actually try things, but most picky eaters will not even give
new things a taste to see if they like it, and so many of them can't even
tell you what it is about something that they don't like. Our tastes change
as we develop. A lot of young kids like tart and bitter things like dill
pickles and beer until they are 2-3 and then they reject those things.
Later on they start to like them again.

Some of the picky eaters I have known have strange reactions to foods. One
woman I worked with did not like any kind of sauces or gravy. A few months
ago I mentioned a co-worker who was really upset with his wife because she
served him mushrooms. He was going back for his fourth helping of Beef
Stroganoff before his son told him there were mushrooms in it, and he
freaked out that she would dare to give him mushrooms when she knows he
hates them. Obviously, he didn't hate them. He just thought he did. Then
there was the neighbour's kid who liked only hot dogs with salt and pepper
and Kentucky fried chicken, or my nephew who won't eat anything red.