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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Posts: 3,622
Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

Dave Smith wrote:
> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
>>> I worked in law enforcement and am now retired, but what the hell
>>> does that
>>> have to do with recognizing deceptive marketing practices?

>> It tells me that you didn't run a business, and that you may have
>> limited exposure to the range of options available to companies as
>> they work to keep their products viable.

> Perhaps it means that I am not up on all the jargon that marketing
> people use in their efforts to boost sales and profits. I used the
> example of Shredded Wheat, a product that has been around and
> marketed in boxes of 12, 18 and 24 for decades. Judging from the
> shelf space allotted, and for all three sizes, it was a viable
> product. People were buying the large size. Meanwhile, the large size
> of Muffets, which is has almost the same taste
> and texture, was IIRC always 18, but sells for a little less than the
> old Shredded Wheat 18 size, and still does. Meanwhile, Nabisco sold
> out to
> Post, which is owned by Kraft, which is notorious for buying out the
> competition and dumbing down the products.

Hmmm, but Kraft is owned by yet another big corp.
