Thread: Picky eaters...
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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Picky eaters...

Chatty Cathy wrote:
> Been thinking about picky eaters again....
> Anybody else think that if children are not "exposed" to certain
> foods, say between the ages of 2 and 6 y/o, that they will never
> really
> develop a taste for it, or that it will "take some doing" to get them
> to try something "new" when they are adults?

I don't really know. I was exposed to all sorts of things when I was a kid.
I was snacking on artichoke leaves dipped in lemon/butter by the time I was
8 or 9. Seafood, you betcha. Cabbage and all manner of green veggies
(broccoli, asparagus, etc.) Corn on the cob. Squashes, summer and winter.

But I didn't develop a taste for certain things (peas, for example) until I
was an adult. The first time I tasted fresh peas I was out at a restaurant
with a friend who was buying dinner; green peas came with the meal. Rather
than be rude I took a bite. And was *astonished!* Wow! These are good! I
now routinely buy peas, fresh & frozen. Mom always bought the yukky mushy
canned ones.

I don't like carrots, though. They are too sweet for my taste but I add
them to pot roast, stews and pot pies. I eat around them. My lovebird,
Peaches, adores carrots I still can't stand raw vegetables. It's mostly
a texture thing.
