Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo
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Dave Smith[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,640
Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo
> Dave Smith > wrote:
> > I beg to differ with you nieces. The metric system is not harder than the
> > Imperial system, which makes little sense to most people who swear by it. I
> > am always prepared for people who claim it is better than metric, just ask
> > them how many pints are in a gallon, how many gils in a pint, how many
> > yards in a furlong, how many square rods in an acre. Metric is much easy
> > to deal with.
> Of those questions, only the first is even reasonable. Nobody uses gils
> in everyday measurement, and except for horse races nobody uses furlongs.
> Any decent surveyor will know the rods and acre conversion, because they
> would have a use for it.
It doesn't really matter how often people use the measurements, they are
part of the nonsensical system of measurement that so many people claim to
be easier. Even the everyday measurement is nonsense.... 12 inches in a
foot, 3 feet in a yard, 1760 yards in a mile etc. In metric, everything is
based on 10s, so you don't have to convert metres to centimetres or
kilometres. You just move a decimal point.
Temperature is more meaningful IMO in metric. One degree C. is a more
discernible difference than 1 degree F. and the freezing point of water is
0 instead of 32, and there is a big difference in weather when you hit the
freezing point.
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Dave Smith[_2_]
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