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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

On 2007-05-22, > wrote:

> Of those questions, only the first is even reasonable. Nobody uses gils
> in everyday measurement......

No kidding. I've never even heard of it and I get a kick out of
strange measures. I can only find two mentions of it on google. One
of my faves is troy weight. How many grains in a pennyweight? Used
mostly by jewelers, except for grains, which is also used to measure
gunpowder and bullet weight. But, in a world that uses mostly metric,
it is kind of silly. I had to learn metric in college and it's no big
deal and so much more practical. One of the dumbest things this
country (USA) ever did was abandon the program to change to metric
back in the 80s.
