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wff_ng_7 wff_ng_7 is offline
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Posts: 743
Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

"Dave Smith" > wrote:
> There are several reasons why I refuse to answer marketing surveys. Aside
> from them wasting my time and bothering me with questions, I don't want to
> tell the marketing people information they will use to try to squeeze more
> money out of me. I don't want them to get me to identify with any
> particular brand.

I'm also one who refuses to answer surveys. Aside from the wasting time issue, I
don't want companies to determine what's important to the customer by those
methods. It seems for the past decade or so in particular that companies have
this notion that they can figure everything out from surveys and statistics, and
they no longer listen to customer letters or phone calls. There was a school of
thought that says that the customers that go out of their way to contact a
company are more indicative of the way customers in general feel about products
and services than those chosen for random surveys. Obviously that's no longer in

wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net