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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo

wff_ng_7 wrote:
> I don't think is was so much a question of metric itself being harder but that
> having to convert and make the adjustment to the new system was harder (than not
> doing it). They are several years older now and both preparing for careers
> involving science or engineering, so I think they have a different opinion at
> this point.

You have to get rid of the conversions. Think metric. For some people it
takes time. We have been metric for 30 years, and it is seems to be only in
the last few years that people I deal with have been referring to the
weather in metric. We now think of a nice day as something in the 20s
rather than 70-80.

> ingrained in my mind. I've got the constants 2.54 and 454 imprinted in my mind
> just as strongly as 3.14. Then there's the approximations that come naturally: a
> quart and a liter, a meter and a yard, a pound and half a kilogram, a mile and
> two kilometers. So I can get a rough feel for things very quickly.

I stopped that a long time ago. When I am at the butcher shop I am more
likely to ask for a half kilo than a pound.