Habeneros (Graphic content read at your own risk)
Sonoran Dude wrote:
> I placed an order for these wings with the owner and asked him why
> they didn't make them hotter. He said if I wanted them really hot he
> could add some habenero oil. He went into the back room and brought
> out a bottle and carefully poured about a teaspoon into a tiny
> plastic cup like he was working with nitro glycerin. Sitting at the
> bar I did what any red blooded American would do when someone pours a
> shot, I downed it.
Sounds like a drink I was offered some 25 years ago (and bet a 2 litre boot
of beer that I wouldn't drink two!) in Hameln in Germany. The closest I
could get to pronouncing it was a Hindu Shrapnel... it consisted of some
kind of chilli sauce and neat Korn (German spirit...) served with a little
slice of bread of all things!
I downed the first one and waited... Hmmmm, mildly musty in flavour, nice
alcoholic finish with a hint of.... BAAAAMMMMM!!! Kicked in the face by a
donkey, intense pain, shock, sweats, had to sit down... Well, more like slid
down onto the floor. Realised what the bread was for... salivation like you
wouldn't believe, it was Victoria Falls mixed with third degree burns.
Then the endorphins and alcohol kicked in... You know, that was kinda nice,
warm with an adrenaline edge. The second was no way as bad as the first and
the English squadies in the bar did indeed buy me a 2 litre boot as
The things 15 year old kids do to try and be macho when on holiday....
taught me many lessons that night.. I've never, ever come across anything
quite so hot as a Hindu Shrapnel since...
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"These people believe the souls of fried space aliens inhabit their
bodies and hold soup cans to get rid of them. I should care what they
think?"...Valerie Emmanuel
Les Hemmings a.a #2251 SA