Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo
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Dave Smith[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,640
Best Foods - Hellmans Mayo
y wrote:
> I'm sure they do, but that doesn't change anything. I have a college
> education and an IQ in the high 140s. You can stop being patronizing.
> I understand your premise. Allow me to paraphrase:
Mine is only in the mid 130s ao I hope I don't confuse you.
> Our marketing department's research indicates that most consumers will
> not purchase our product if the price goes above $x per package;
> however, due to cost of production increases, we cannot afford to
> produce the 32 oz. package we have made in the past and sell it for $x
> or less.
My purchasing department..... me.... has a number of things to consider
when shopping for products. I am prepared to accept that prices rise due to
a number of factors. The prices charged for your product vary from store to
store, sometimes by 25% or more. I sometimes go to a specific store for
your product because I know it is always cheaper there. Sometimes I figure
it is not worth it to go to another store and risk all the impulse
purchases there to save a dollar or two on your particular product.
However, what I, and a number of others resent, is a manufacturer reducing
the size (volume, wight...) of the product and selling it for the same
price. We may not have IQs that we like to boast are in the high 140s, but
we are not all idiots.
We are accustomed to economy of scale. Manufacturers have to pay to package
their products, which is not cheap. We are used to the idea that when we
buy a larger amount of your product we get a better price per unit weight.
By reducing the size of your product, we lose that advantage.
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Dave Smith[_2_]
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