Picky eaters...
Chatty Cathy > wrote in
> Anybody else think that if children are not "exposed" to
> certain foods, say between the ages of 2 and 6 y/o, that
> they will never really develop a taste for it, or that it
> will "take some doing" to get them to try something "new"
> when they are adults?
nope. there are lots of foods i eat now that i wasn't exposed
to as a child, either because one of my parents didn't like it
so it was never served or because it wasn't affordable or even
available (grocery stores in the late 50s were different).
OTOH, there are foods my now almost 7 year old would snarf
down like he was starving when he was 2-3 that he won't touch
now for anything. tastes change, & some people (kids or
adults) just are picky no matter what you do.