Picky eaters...
Julia Altshuler > wrote in
> Which brings me to the unknown: How great a possibility is
> it that a backyard mushroom is deadly? Leave benefit out
> of it for a moment. Anyone know? Are we talking struck by
> lightening chances? Plane crash chances? Car wreck
> chances? How common are deadly poisonous mushrooms?
deadly? not so much really (but it only takes a very small
bit of those kind). make you *wish* you were dead? pretty good
i have a friend who is a mushroom expert. he's the one the
state has on-call to identify what the poor schmuck in the
Emergency Room just ate, so the poor schmuck can (hopefully)
stop vomitting his guts out or start breathing or whatever &
go home not in a box... if my friend tells me a mushroom in my
yard/woods is ok to eat, i'll eat it. if he's not around, i'll
just buy the ones in the store, thanks (except morels. no
other mushroom around here looks remotely like a morel)