Making that hot sauce
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> I found
> a real chicken in a butcher shop and made a vat of soup this afternoon.
On rare occasions, the supermarkets will have a proper Empire brand Fowl
in their Kosher Frozen Food department. This isn't a Perdue Oven
Stuffer, this isn't something you can expect to be lovely and tender and
juicy and stuff... this is a bird who met her end after a noble career
of egg-laying. They are shrink-wrapped, frozen and in a box whose art
hasn't been redesigned in at least 20 years.
The only thing missing are the giblets, including the lovely ovarian
tubes full of baby eggs (I keep hearing about these, and will have to
raise my own katchkelech to experience it.)
These birds make the absolute best flavored chicken soup - but don't
expect tender chunks of meat. Eithe finely dice the leftover meat for
salads and whatnot, or just toss it. Tough as anything, but the flavor
can't be beat!
(When those show up, I buy all but one as a rule. I figure someone else
out there knows what to do with 'em, and why should I be greedy?)