Making that hot sauce
"George Shirley" > wrote in message
> Scott wrote:
> > In article >,
> > George Shirley > wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Happened to me a time or two. I usually get about a gallon of processed
> >>chiles down and then put about 1/3 to 1/2 cup of pickling salt on them,
> >>covering the entire exposed area. Then you need to keep them in a cool
> >>area, preferably below 60F. I think the salt mines on Avery Island where
> >>Tabasco keeps theirs is about 52F. That's the reason I do mine in the
> >>winter here. I check them daily and scoop any mold off when spotted.
> >>Most of the time I will then put about a half cup of 5% vinegar over the
> >>mash and continue on. The best I've done was about 3 months on
> >
> >
> >
> > After how long do you put in the vinegar? Up to three months?
> >
> That little bit of vinegar added while in the crock is to prevent mold
> reoccuring. No more vinegar gets added until such time I whizz the mash
> and then strain it. Then I put 40% vinegar by volume, ie 25.6 ounces
> white vinegar to 64 ounces of liquid chile. Stir that 4 times a day for
> at least a week and then bottle. the stirring helps to meld the vinegar
> and chile liquids together. You still have to shake the bottle before
> stirring as I don't pasteurize it. But, then, you have to do that with
> Tabasco or Crystal sauces too.
> George
Thanks George. I've saved this and will use it this summer when I get a crop
of Jalapenos in or if I find a good sale in the store.