Thread: Picky eaters...
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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Picky eaters...

Caryn Nadelberg wrote:
> We have been having our son try things at least once. We've noticed
> that the more he is around other kids the more resistant he is to even
> try something, saying it is gross or yucky before he has even tasted it.

This is interesting. Would you say your son's peer group was more picky
than he is so he's picking up the trait from them? I would have guessed
it worked in reverse, that your son would see his peers eating odd foods
and would try them because the other kids were.

When I was in my young picky years, my parents would tell me that some
day I'd be hungry and I'd see other people taking all the food and I'd
get over my pickiness at that moment as I joined the fray to get
something to eat. (Their scenario often involved wars or famines where
I'd be the first to die because I was too picky to eat available food.)
