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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Sopranos sandwich mystery solved!

"Nancy Young" > wrote in

> "Peter A" > wrote
>> says...

>>> > I wonder if we'll hear from those people who thought that this
>>> > mystery Sopranos sandwich was a delicious and authentic bit of
>>> > Italian cooking.
>>> Right after you point out where anyone said that.

>> That's a "yes" to my question, thank you.

> Oh, so you're specifically saying I said the sandwich was a delicious
> and authentic bit of Italian cooking.
> You can't back that one up. Feel free to try.
> nancy


So Miss Young, regarding the night in question, Tuesday May 17, were you
or were you not singing in a Soprano's voice?. And weren't you Singing
Momma Mia that's some Pizza?

Miss Young:

Yes, Yes...I did it and I'm glad it did it!

Baliff take her away!!!


The house of the burning beet-Alan

It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore