Thread: Picky eaters...
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Caryn Nadelberg Caryn Nadelberg is offline
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Posts: 58
Default Picky eaters...

sf wrote:
> When my son was little, we had the 3 bite rule. Chew and swallow
> three bites (they could be little), then if he still didn't like it he
> don't have to eat any more. Years later, he told me he used to hate
> me for doing that because I was often right.... it *did* taste good,
> but he didn't want to admit it.

This is why after he takes that one bite we just let it go and many
times after a bit, he will start eating more. We really try to not make
a big deal about it when he does start eating more. Most of the time we
just look at each other and try not to laugh.

Caryn Nadelberg - Mommy to Sam and Queen of the May