On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 09:51:38 -0400, "<RJ>" >
>Some years ago, I read an article about the Mayan people.
>Apparently, their diet consisted mainly of corn and beans.
>The article went on to say that this was "the perfect nutritional
>The beans supplied protein, and the corn supplied ????
>Further, theri civilation started to slide when local land
>wouldn't support corn, reducing an essential part of their nutrition.
>I don't remember much more, but I'm intrigued with the idea of
>"the perfect nutritional food mix".
>Could anyone elaborate on this corn/bean mix ?
Plant proteins are, for the most part, "incomplete." That is, they
lack 1 or more of the essential (ones than can't be manufactured in
the body) amino acids. Combinations of plant foods -- corn & beans,
beans & rice, peas & rice -- together supply these essential
substances. The Mayan's beans did *not* supply complete protein, but
with the addition of corn, were adequate. Animal foods -- meat, fish,
poultry, eggs and dairy come with complete protein.
So, beans supplied *some* essentials, and corn, some others. Neither,
by itself, is adequate.