Andrew, do you want to retract this sort of language?
Newsgroups:, alt.christnet.christianlife,,, alt.atheism
From: "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" >
Date: 11 Dec 2006 09:33:10 -0800
Local: Mon, Dec 11 2006 11:33 am
Subject: Demon Mark W. Phelps: It started with not honoring his dad,
whom he had judged.
~tanya wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > Hint: Those who use fakes names are in bed with satan and covered with
> > his ejaculate.
> well what's not ta love THERE?
The ejaculate from satan has the consistency and smell of emesis.
> you should really stop playin' with yer food.
Playing is not my style.
You are welcome to help me clean the stuff off our satan-worshipping
> swallow.
Please don't do that, dear Tanya.
(wiping the stuff off your hands lovingly and carefully)
That was close.
(((( hugs ))))
The stuff would have changed you into a blaspheming demon as it has
done to tragic MWPhelps:
> you'll be more popular in hell, ta boot.
No thanks. Rather serve in heaven than be popular in hell.
May GOD continue to heal our hearts with HIS living water curing our
diabetes, depression, anxiety, and panic so that we can love our
neighbors a little more and LORD Jesus Christ a lot more, dear Tanya
whom I love unconditionally.
Prayerfully in Christ's amazing love,
Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung
Cardiologist, Atlanta, Georgia, USA