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Peter A Peter A is offline
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Default Dutch Ovens safe for my Glass Ceramic Cooktop?

In article . com>,
> Hi
> I have a GE profile slide-in electric range with glass ceramic cooktop
> and I've been too chicken to buy a Dutch Oven for fear of scratching
> or cracking it. An acquaintance mistakenly put a non-flat roasting pan
> on her stovetop and it resulted in having to have the entire stovetop
> replaced. I know that dutch ovens are flat, but are there issues to
> take into consideration? Like enamel maybe?
> I can't find any good documentation on the relative safety of dutch
> ovens from their manufacturers and this has me worried. A "Safe for
> use" sticker would really help me out...
> thanks in advance,
> felinity

I use several le Creuset Dutch ovens on my smoothtop without problems.
Anyway, a scratch or 2 is not the end of the world. With early smooth-
tops, scratches were a danger because they would weaken the
ceramic/glass top, but for many years the materials and manufacturing
have been improved so that this is not a risk.

Buying a smoothtop range and expecting it to never get scratched is like
buying a knife and expecting it to never need sharpening - just not

Peter Aitken