Thread: Pastry blender
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chiquita chiquita is offline
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Default Pastry blender

On May 27, 8:10 pm, "Roughrider50" > wrote:
> Previously I have been using store bought pie crusts. I'm going to try &
> make my own. The recipes call for using Crisco & a thing called a pastry
> blender to "cut" the Crisco into the flour. How exactly do I use a pastry
> blender? Is there some preferred technique? Also could I just use vegetable
> oil instead of Crisco? TIA

Hey, I never heard of one until my ex-mother-in-law bought one for
me. I love mine and use it all the time. what ever recipe you use,
fluff the flour before adding any wet ingredients. (Fluff: using the
pastry blender, just move the flour/dry ingedients around for a bit)
then cut the shortning but leave pea size pieces. don't over "cut"
the less you mix/touch the dough the flakier it will be. once you
roll it out and make your pie, cook it for 10 minutes on high 400 then
lower to 350. the high heat will give your crust flaky layers.... the
pea size explode in the crust creating flaky layers.
don't laugh I do it that way all the time. When i make pies, every
bit is always eaten event the edge crust.
P.s. i use butter flavor crisco, individually wrapped so i don't have
to measure.
not at home, wish I remembered the exact ingredients....
good luck,