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Karen[_3_] Karen[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 631
Default caramelized water chestnuts?

On Jun 2, 7:42 pm, Jennyanniedots > wrote:
> On a recent trip to China, I had a delicious regional specialty on a
> boat cruise down the Li River in Guilin. It is called caramelized
> water chestnuts. They are glazed in a gooey coating that starts out
> warm and soft, and gradually hardens into a crispy shell around each
> water chestnut as it cools. As strange as it sounds, it is totally
> delicious! And so I find myself on a tireless search for some sort of
> recipe. Google has failed me. Do any of you have a recipe for this,
> by
> chance?

I guess finding fresh water chestnuts is the first challenge to task.
And, then experimenting on how they're cooked. They sound awesome,
though, and I am keeping my eyes peeled to this thread.
