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Glasswalker Glasswalker is offline
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Posts: 55
Default Eastern European Dishes - Was An Introduction, Maybe?

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote>
> Vitame vas!
> What good Eastern European dishes are you interested in?
> --

Honestly, I don't really know off the top of my head (sorry, been a long
day). I've tried making mititei before. Wasn't too bad, but I think it
could have been better. I made a recipe (I'll post it as soon as I can find
the paper it was scrawled on while cooking it) that uses pirogi, kielbasa,
peppers and the kitchen sink. I also recall trying to make something that
was like polenta, but turned out rather horrid. 'Authentic' stroganoff
using buckwheat kasha wasn't a hit, but I enjoyed it.

It's just one of those areas that you find yourself attracted to it in most
every way, but there's no good reason for it.
