New survey on the RFC site: Does stress change your eating h
notbob wrote:
> On 2007-06-05, Pete C. > wrote:
>> You do know that the Haggen Dasz Bailey's Irish Cream flavor is now
>> available in pints in the grocery store now don't you?
> Yeah, but it's crap. So much better to take a couple scoops of H-D
> vanilla and top with a tablespoon of Bailey's. Even better, 1 tblsp
> of Bailey's plus 1 tblsp of Kaluha. Zowie!
This past Christmas I introduced my friend to SilkNog (which in spite of
being Soymilk, is *seriously* good!) and she in turn introduced me to
SilkNog with Baileys. Wow. What a nice way to start the morning....!