Loki wrote:
> What's ultra pasterised? Do you mean ordinary pasteurised or
> something else? I won't be able to get untreated cream.
Ultra pasteurized means it's heated to a higher temperature than
normal pasteurization, giving it a longer shelf life. It also denatures
the proteins and makes it bad for cheese making. I've been able to make
decent ricotta with it but not much else.
Another term for this process is UHT (Ultra Heat Treated). You should find
a well informed person at your store and ask which brand(s) are not UHT.
> What's light cream? Or half and half? We have cream and that's it.
> It's about 35-38% fat.
Light cream contains 18-30% butterfat. Half and half is a mixture
of whole milk and cream and contains 10-12% butterfat. Sorry for the
termonology difference, I know the UK refers to single/double cream.
This should help.
> Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was 'cheese' :-)
It's a very low volume group, but there are a few good folks
there that will answer your questions.
Reg email: RegForte (at) (that free MS email service) (dot) com