Thread: mascarpone
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Anne Chambers
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Default mascarpone

Loki wrote:

> il Tue, 18 May 2004 04:41:04 GMT, Reg ha scritto:
>>Loki wrote:

>>You *must* use fresh, unadulterated cream. Ultra pasteurized cream
>>is especially bad and won't coagulate properly.

> What's ultra pasterised? Do you mean ordinary pasteurised or
> something else? I won't be able to get untreated cream.

Loki, you seem to be in NZ - here in Oz, we would call it UHT cream -
comes in a carton, does not need refrigeration until opened. You will
need to use pure cream (not thickened) to get the best results, but it's
easier just to buy marscapone - or don't they make it in NZ ? Ours
comes from somewhere in Victoria, wouldn't surprise me if it's exported.
(BTW, I am using Mainland Soft Butter imported from NZ - all our 'soft'
butter contains canola oil :-{ )
South Australia

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