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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Annoying tv Chef Habits

"J S" > wrote

> for their restaurants.Maybe its just watching them 'play'with the food
> on the plate arranging a presentation ,wonder what they touched before
> its served to me.

I know, when I see that I think, would you quit rubbing your
hands all over my food?

>You never know....sanitary?no.If 5 different people
> touched your meal before it got to you,would you eat it?..whatever
> happened to hand coverings?

Ever watch Ace of Cakes? It's amusing to see how they make
different shapes/whatever, but no gloves, smooshing and squeezing
the product to shape it, I can't believe the end product is intended
for consumption. I could see getting one for the cool factor, but
having a cake to eat off to the side.
