il Tue, 18 May 2004 15:52:47 GMT, Ellen Wickberg ha scritto:
> >
> > Clotted cream is scrummy on scones (soft fluffy things in the
> > Commonwealth) with jam.
> Canada is still part of the commonwealth, I think, and our scones are not
> soft and fluffy.
> Ellen
Glad to hear you're still part of the commonwealth. :-)
As for soft and fluffy, well I understand American scones are what I
would call biscuits which are hard and crunchy. Not as soft as sponge
mind you. 1 cup wheat flour :1 teaspoon baking powder type thing that
rises when baked and gets cut in half and eaten with jam and cream or
maybe with cheese added (no jam and cream.)
Mine are soft and fluffy because I eat them still warm

Loki [ Brevity is the soul of wit. W.Shakespeare ]